At P Shah Opticians, we pride ourselves on being able to offer the very latest in contact lens technology and aftercare. We always have a substantial stock of branded lenses including high prescriptions with a same day service in most cases. Aftercare is an important and often overlooked aspect of buying your lenses and you can be sure of the best advice and aftercare we can provide. Getting the right contact lenses for you is so much more than simply obtaining the cheapest deal around. Changes in your eyes should be closely monitored and your Optician is the best person to do that. We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions below and hope to see you at our Practice very soon.
Am I wearing the correct contact lenses for my eyes?
In the last few years there have been huge technological advances in the contact lens market. Not only are there many different types of lenses available to suit different requirements, but the materials of the lenses have improved to now suit more people’s eyes. The latest in contact lens technology include: daily wear disposable lenses, weekly wear lenses, extended wear lenses, multifocal lenses and bespoke soft and gas permeable lenses. ChromaGen lenses are also available to help alleviate colour deficiency and symptoms of dyslexia.
What are the problems encountered by contact lens wearers?
General contact lens related problems are:
- Itchy eyes whilst wearing contact lenses
- Itchiness on removing contact lenses
- Early morning sticky cheeselike discharge
- End of day dryness
- On/off blurring/ hazy vision
- Eyelids feel heavy
- Red eyes
- Discomfort when lenses worn for several hours
I have astigmatism – can I wear contact lenses?
I am over 40 and starting to find hard to read with my contact lenses in. Why?
Why are aftercare visits important for contact lens wearers?
Regular aftercare visits are very important to ensure that any changes in the health of the eye are monitored. The optician will use a slit lamp to check that the lens is not causing the blood vessels in the eye to be inflamed causing irritation. He will also check to see that the fit is correct and does not require any modification as well as check to ensure that the back of the eyelids are not inflamed. Symptoms such as dry eyes at the end of the day, red eye syndrome, itchy eyes ,inflamed eyelids are the main reasons for failure to wear contact lenses over the long term. The examination will enable the optician to detect any problems present in the eye early and allow the optician to make modification as necessary.
I am a failed contact lens wearer – is there any hope for me?
This will depend on why you have failed in the first place. For many, it can be due to the problems mentioned above. For many it is due to the lens prescribed not being suitable for the eye , ill fitting of the lens or allergy to the solution used. With the improvements made in the manufacture of the contact lenses and the different types now available, in my experience many lapsed wearers are once again enjoying wearing their contact lenses again.
I have been told that I have dry eyes – can I still wear contact lenses?
This is one of the most common complaints that we come across. Failed contact lens wearers frequently cite this as the main reason that they withdrew from wearing lenses. However, this is a condition that can be alleviated and managed. The optician first needs to address the causes of the dry eyes and then manage the symptoms by prescribing lubricants, teaching the patient lid care hygiene and making changes to the diet. By making these changes most patients can successfully wear contact lenses although the duration will depend on the severity of their problem.